Jarrett Joins Obama Administration

15 11 2008

With speculation that Senator Hillary Clinton is pondering whether or not to accept the Secretary of State position in President-elect Barack Obama’s administration, close friend Valerie Jarrett has been named senior adviser in the White House.

Currently serving as the co-chair of Obama’s transition team, her official title will be “senior advisor and assistant to the President for Inter-government relations and Public Liaison in the Obama White House.” During the campaign, Jarrett served as a top advisor to Obama.

The 51-year old executive’s White House role may be similar to the one played by Karen Hughes in President Bush’s first term “providing political advice while keeping him grounded.” Jarrett joins other high-profile administration appointments including David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs and Raul Emanuel.

For all of the critics criticizing Obama’s early appointments, we advise you to take a step back and wait until the entire mosaic has been completed.



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