First Look | Man of Steel

23 06 2012

After watching Marvel Comics steal all of the early summer thunder, DC Comics is showing signs that the real fight for comic superhero supremacy is just beginning!!!

Marvel kicked off the summer with the uber-sensation, The Avengers smashing records around the world. In addition, another Marvel Comics stalwart, The Amazing Spider-Man will hit theaters on July 3. While Marvel has been firing on all cylinders, is the battle with DC over?

Pump your brakes, Marvel because just as large as The Avengers were earlier this summer, The Dark Knight Rises promises to be up for the challenge for late summer supremacy. Earlier today, it was announced that the reboot of the Bourne franchise, Bourne Legacy, move their release date one week to avoid going head to head with another reboot, Total Recall but ALSO to get away from the THIRD week of TDKR. If Universal is tracking that Christopher Nolan’s Batman swan song will be a monster hit, who are we to argue?

Earlier this month at the Licensing Expo 2012 in Las Vegas where a variety of anticipated projects were made available to the media among the many props and costumes on display was the Superman suit for next summer’s highly anticipated reboot, Man of Steel.

Superman and Batman are two of the biggest superheros in either DC or Marvel Comics’ galaxy and after watching Avengers assemble and other successful Marvel titles, it is very refreshing to see DC coming back with their big guns blazing as well.

It’s time for the Dark Knight to “avenge” DC Comics!!!!

Check out a picture of the Man of Steel’s suit below



One response

31 07 2012
Man of Steel — The Good Men Project

[…] [Source: filmgordon] […]

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